Embrace the timeline….

On creating rich, flashy and immersive advertising experiences online by Owen van Dijk

Archive for January 2005

Make the world a better place with Flash (and win a prestigous award along the way)

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Did you know that on your birthday 24.000 people will die of hunger and hunger-related causes? Last year i was involved with a special project that was part of the worldwide awareness-raising campaign First8. The heart of the campaign was a pocket-sized photography book with powerful portraits of people living and surviving in difficult and unacceptable circumstances throughout the world.

In September 2004 this book was delivered by mail to 25,000 people in positions of power and influence, addressed to each individual personally, by name. As the campaign was anonymous, there was no return address, only the address of this website. In the Netherlands, 1.6 million copies of this book, in mini-magazine format, were distributed along with various magazines. The book carries only this text:

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Written by ohwhen

January 25, 2005 at 11:31 pm

Posted in Web/Tech