Embrace the timeline….

On creating rich, flashy and immersive advertising experiences online by Owen van Dijk

Archive for February 2004

(After) a hundred days off…What will Flash bring us in 2004?

with 6 comments

As soon as people start emailing or asking on MSN or the Central Developer Chat the question: when you will update your blog, you know it’s time to suprise everybody with a new posting. All the usual caveats apply, loads of work ( a new tutorial for Ultrashock coming up, writing an article for MX Developers Journal, playing with my new Powerbook ), vacation, personal circumstances, etc . Another reason is that my previous posting about MAX and asking people to blog about, turned into reality, as Christian Cantrell made MAXBloggers. To come up with another posting as much as succesfull is quite a challenge. 😉

I’ve been reading some posts about a wishlist for Flash 8, as a reaction to Charlie who announced to break up with Flash. I posted my wishlist for Flash 8 awhile ago however there is another thing i wanted to focus on. A few days ago, someone asked me what Flash will bring us, the Flash developers in 2004. The next version of the Flash IDE won’t be out till next year so let me bring out my looking-glass and make some bold statements:

What will Flash bring us in 2004, part 1: Flash Video

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Written by ohwhen

February 18, 2004 at 1:27 am

Posted in Web/Tech